Food Technologist
5 Years 6 Months
6200 monthly
Updated on Nov 15 2020
Employee No: CEMP860
Experience: 5 Years 6 Months
Job Description:
- Able to Conduct standardized tests on food, beverages, additives, or preservatives to ensure compliance with standards and regulations regarding factors such as color, texture, or nutrients.
- Able to Perform regular maintenance of laboratory equipment by inspecting, calibrating, cleaning, or sterilizing.
- Experience to Analyze test results to classify products or compare results with standard tables.
- Able to Maintain records of testing results or other documents
- Able to Record or compile test results or prepare graphs, charts, or reports.
- Experience on Computing test about moisture or salt content, percentages of ingredients, formulas, or other product factors, using mathematical and chemical procedures.
Salary: 6200 monthly
Industry: F & B / Hospitality,Manufacturing/Production Operations,Food Industry,FMCG
Certificates Holding: Nil
Key Skills
Food Manufacturing analysis Jobs test automation JobsCandidate Profile
Bachelor Degree - Arts
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